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Foxit Phantom 2.2.0 Build 0926 + русификатор

Foxit Phantom - это новая программа для просмотра, редактирования и создания PDF документов. Программа сможет стать отличной заменой для известного монстра Adobe Reader. Среди главных преимуществ программы разработчики указывают на ее небольшой размер, малое время запуска и более высокую скорость создания PDF-документов.

С помощью программы вы сможете также сливать и разделять PDF документы, удалять и вставлять новые страницы, создавать электронные формы и примечания и многое, много другое. Программа позволяет конвертировать почти все документы, которые могут быть распечатаны на принтере в формат PDF, включая файлы DOC, PPT, TXT, HTML и многие другие. Также вы сможете создавать PDF документы напрямую со сканера, позволяя без лишних усилий создавать электронные версии бумажных документов.

Foxit Phantom is a business ready PDF toolkit, with everything you need to create professional PDF documents and streamline business processes: fast, easy to use, and at a price that fits your budget. Foxit Phantom provides an all in one solution for business users of PDF, and a sensible alternative to Adobe Acrobat. With Foxit Phantom you can create standards compliant PDF files from hundreds of files types up to 3 times faster than with competitor tools. The lightweight application with a tiny footprint means you can download and install Foxit Phantom in a flash and reliably view any PDF document that comes your way.

Unlike other PDF tools, Foxit Phantom lets you edit content directly. Or you can use the convenient annotation tools to add comments, highlights, stamps, and more. Delete pages, add pages, and assemble new PDF documents. Plus, Foxit Phantom’s robust security features keep your business documents safe. Password protect documents, add certificate encryption, and sign with digital certificates.


Small and fast
* Up to 3 times faster PDF Creation than competitor tools
* Installation file is around 10 MB and takes 22 MB of hard drive space, about 1% of competitor’s product size
* And launch speed is much faster

Create industry-standard compliant PDF files from any printable file
* Support 100's of the most common file types
* One click produces PDF from Microsoft Word documents automatically

Scan paper document to PDF directly

* Streamline workflow by converting paper contracts, agreements, etc to electronic PDF files

Edit and modify PDF contents
* Quickly edit document content and correct mistakes right in a PDF
* Add text to your PDF document as you need

Compare PDF documents
* Highlight the differences between two PDF documents to help you identify what has been changed quickly and easily

Organize PDF pages

* Re-order PDF pages without help from any other applications to simplify your operations
* Add, delete, or combine pages from multiple PDF files to create new PDF documents

Design and fill-out electronic forms
* Convert your current forms into electronic PDF forms
* Easy to use forms design tools make your PDF documents more interactive
* Collect the data your company needs from customers, partners and employees easily without the cost of re-keying
* Reduce paper handling
* Extend document-based processes to better engage with customers, partners, constituents, colleagues, etc

Protect PDF documents with passwords and certificates
* Control access to PDF documents
* Protect sensitive PDF documents to prevent loss of valuable company assets
* Enhance security when sending and receiving PDF files

Control PDF document usage such as printing, changing, content extraction
* Manage PDF usage permissions for individual documents within or without your organization

Add digital signatures to PDF documents
* Streamline business processes typically requiring paper-based or in-person collaboration by signing your PDF documents digitally
* Enhance security by instituting identity authentication
* Automatically check for documents integrity unauthorized content changes

What's New in Foxit Phantom 2.2.0:
- Bug Fixes and Improvements in Foxit Phantom PDF Suite 2.2:
-Enhanced the security of digital signature to make sure the new version doesn't have the recently reported digital security flaw and keep valuable information from any possible exploits.
-Supported ASLR & DEP which will be much harder for hackers to exploit any possible vulnerability.
-Fixed the bug where wrong time and date are displayed on special stamp in certain time zones.

Официальный сайт | Home Page www.foxitsoftware.com
Размер: 14.01 MB

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