FX Cartoonizer - это графический редактор, который предназначен конвертировать все ваши изображения и фотографии в эффект мультфильма. Имеется возможность обрезки, изменения цветового баланса, яркости и контрастности. Вы можете использовать FXCartoonizer для иллюстрации семейных фотографий, праздничных событий или просто преобразовать все ваши изображения в мультяшный эффект.
• The good thing is that you can let the people know how you look like without sharing your actual photo but a cartoon of yourself. • You can make cartoons of your friends, pets, house, neighborhood and especially the celebrities and the politicians. • Cartoons will be the best gift for your family and friends. You can also use them on mugs and T-shirts. • Undoubtedly, this software is a great fun and addictive, too. It is very easy to use and also intuitive. • No need of great artistic skills because no manual drawing is involved. • The software uses very novel technology to execute the whole process. • First of all, it splits the image into solid color patterns just similar to a mosaic. After that, it converts the minute details of the image into cartoon format. • Since it applies effects throughout the photo, the end result is always of high-quality. • Cartoon yourelf without any Watermark or Logo! • Standalone software! • Internet connection not needed!
• Features: First of all, you are required to navigate the desired photo or image from your computer. You have to click the tab 'Add' in the software to access the photos. After selecting the photo, upload it by double clicking. • Making the adjustments! You can resize the photo or zoom it in. Besides, you can also adjust the brightness, contrast, cyan, magneta and yellow effects.' Crop' feature on the right side allows you to crop the photo. You can also 'undo' the effects or entirely 'reload' the photo. After doing all the desired changes, you just need to click an effect and there you go! • Final touches You can even make all types of adjustments with the cartoonized photo. • Multiple effects Avail multiple effects to make your pictures desirable and mesmerizing. • Convert quickly You can conveniently convert your photos into cartoons just within seconds. • Easy to use It is extremely simple software with the main theme of turning images into cartoons. • 2xFaster feature It allows the users to covert photos into cartoons really fast than normal process. • Crop function With the help of crop function, you can remove any unwanted part/parts of your image. • Editing You can edit your images and adjust the brightness and the contrast...etc • All in one No other standalone program or software is needed; it does all the functions itself. • No watermark The converted cartoon does not contain any watermark or logo.(Paid version only) • Print You need not to save the photo to print it. You can do it right from within your software. • Resizing Resize function available, you can resize your photo before or after the conversion. • Goodies Different goodies enhance the overall fun and joy, thus bringing extra colors to your cartoons.
Информация о программе: Год выпуска: 2018 Разработчик: cartoonize.net Платформа/ОС: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 Язык интерфейса: English Лекарство: В комплекте Размер: 95.18 MB
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